The process of creating and manufacturing a piece of jewelry and a collection is long and consists of many stages: drawing and creating models, making technical drawings, chemical cutting of parts, welding, gilding, enamelling (depending on the model) and finally assembly or assembly. It takes about 2 and a half months between the design and the final object.
Each jewelry brand works differently to achieve these steps. I made the choice to focus on the design of the models and the collections (it is the aspect of my job that fascinates me, takes me out of my comfort zone and start from scratch each season, where I feel free and where the magic sometimes operates) and the assembly of jewelry (because I also like to repeat the same gestures, undoubtedly against the creation, that reassures me) and of course the management and development of my brand. ..and this is not an easy task.
I decided to entrust all the other stages to artisans from the Ile-de-France region whom I chose for their expertise but also because they are people I appreciate and with whom the bond has been woven over the years. In my opinion, they are so excellent in their know-how that I would never be able to do their work so well and especially so quickly.
These artisans have a history. Here is that of Vincent, carried out in the form of an interview, who has been carrying out my welds for 4 years. Staying a customer with a welder is not easy. The luck but also the difficulty of Parisian welders is that they are taken by storm, they are few in number and sometimes have difficulty finding a balance between their large customers (who often boil down to Chanel but not only) and smaller brands like mine. Because if they only favor the big customer (s) and give big deadlines to the small ones, the day the big client leaves, the little ones will have had time to leave too ...This is how Vincent became my 4th welder in 15 years of branding and I hope he will remain so for years to come.
- Vincent, can you introduce yourself? My name is Vincent Lebon, I am 38 years old and I live in Mériel in the Paris region. I am married and have three children. I play sports to keep my shape and mind, I enjoy listening to books and I do a lot of crafts. I like doing activities with my family and having a good time with friends.
- Can you tell me about your training and your professional career? I went to Boulle school (Nicolas Flamel). I graduated in jewelry at 18, I immediately entered the professional world. I worked in jewelry then I fell into fantasy with a designer (Philippe Ferrandis) where I worked for 7 years. I started my jewelry business at the age of 26 with the goal of being more independent, working on even more varied projects with various clients, and living this entrepreneurial adventure. I particularly like to take up technical challenges in order to make pieces by various designers
- Can you describe to me your working days and what does it consist of? My job is to make a model or to weld, rework and polish, assemble different elements. I work on pieces from big fashion houses as well as on pieces from small designers.
Therefore, the welds must be discreet and perfect (which is no small task) especially for bracelets and necklaces.
I appreciate the simplicity of our discussions and our organization. Nadia is very keen on details which allows me to be extra vigilant when I realize her pieces.
Nadia embodies the word “designer” well because everything comes from her inspiration. His style is unique.